Love Hydration™
Love Hydration™
Self-Love for the Anxious Attachment Style
You identify as having Anxious Attachment Style* or
You identify as having Fearful/Disorganized Attachment with a strong Anxious component*
AND any of these resonate with you
You want to be able to love yourself more
You want to tap into feelings of love in your body
You want to boost your happiness levels
You want practice tapping into love from everyday experiences
You want to be able to use your own memories and resources to access love
You want to stop obsessing over other people
You’re tired of chasing after “the one” and you’re ready to be the person who attracts love
What you will get out of this workshop:
Get practice feeling love from everyday experiences
Learn to use your own memories and imagination to tap into feelings of love
Understand how the Anxious Attachment System can make people over focused on others
Learn how to stay connected to yourself when interacting with other people
Understand how the anxious attachment system relies on others for love, and how you can give yourself love
This workshop is not for you if:
You’re currently in the middle of a breakup or your heart is tender right now
Come to this workshop ready to focus and relax.
You will want to be in a safe comfortable place where you can relax and go inward to learn heart opening visualizations. Do not attempt to listen while driving or doing anything else where you need to focus.
About Kayli Larkin CCHT:
I’m an Attachment Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist, and I help people let go of their emotional burdens and experience feeling loved and safe.
“I got so many tools in the class, and learned some new techniques too... I was blown away by the magic you created in the guided meditation.” - B.C.
“Not only did I get to learn new things about relationships that I didn't understand before, but I was able to experience a deep sense of love and learn how to anchor that into my own body to have whenever I wanted. And BONUS! after the workshop I drove to the corner market to pick up something and was politely complimented and asked out by a gentleman in the store. . . I felt like I must have been all "shiny" after the workshop because I go in there all the time and no one has ever noticed me before. Kayli helped me turned my inner light back on!" - H.S.